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Foraging mix 1.5oz

Foraging mix 1.5oz

Foraging mix & a foraging ‘biscuit’. A Premium medley crafted to bring the variety nature intended to your small pets diet.

Contains approximately 1.5oz of forage.

Mix contains: Rose petals, marigold, carrot, strawberry, spinach.

Biscuit contains: Timothy tender grass, forget me not, carnation leaves, calendula, lotus leaves & roses.

Feeding guide: Feed rabbits 2 tablespoons per day. Offer by hand, bowl or sprinkle over hay/salad.

Serving size is for the average healthy rabbit; if your rabbit is having health issues- please consult with a vet before giving treats. Always remember to introduce anything new to a rabbits diet slowly to see how your baby reacts to it; if everything goes well you can slowly increase it but keep in mind of the serving size. Everything is in moderation.

Forage Mixes are specifically made and safe for rabbits however can be for other small pets. Please always do your own research to see if it’s safe for your specific pet type.

Store in a dry, cool location away from sunlight. Keep in an airtight container for freshness

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